Actress | Dancer | Model | Writer | Producer
Give and It Shall be Given.
I am apart of an inspirational empowerment group that is booming here in L.A.. We have fed over 1 million children in North America. Not only are we feeding them with food; but with financial literacy by teaching wealth principles that change zipcodes and family trees.
Why am I apart of such a group? Well, I love networking and connecting with like minds.
We will be opening up submissions to this exclusive group (invitation only).
It’s stemming off of an event we did called "BBB" which stands for Biblical Black Billionaire....although this board has no racial demographic. The focus is bringing together people who want to grow and develop self, while empowering each other to be as successful as humanly possible. Starting with financial abundance and philanthropy.
If you're sharp I want to see if you know anyone who's open to this type of effort.... I'd love to get more people involved.
Want to know to how to make a difference? It’s easy. Leave an informational comment below or you can refer as many people as would like. I am seeking people who are for Empowerment, Collaboration and Financial Freedom.
"Change your world. Change your mindset. Change your attitude. Change your aptitude. Be of great service to humanity. Share space right here. "